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Hi there! 

Welcome to plantcrush, a blog by Ann Mai.

What you’ll find on this blog: vegan lifestyle inspiration.
This blog is an ode to a compassionate lifestyle and beautiful plants, specifically the delicious ones!

I hope to inspire people and show people how vibrant and nourishing plant-based living can be. I mostly post vegan recipes and food highlights from my travels, but I may branch out to DIY’s and outdoor adventures featuring lovely plants in the future.

Some things about me:

I am a recent graduate with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies at UTA, with a minor in sustainability. In my studies, I concentrated on civil engineering, urban planning, sustainability and landscape architecture. Mostly, I read and wrote a lot about environmental philosophy, and thus I got to devote most of my time to UTA’s Vegan Club.

I’m currently attending grad school at UTA to study landscape architecture. I am absolutely in love with the field. I am inspired and excited about the potential of creativity as a tool for sustainability, conscious design (for people and wildlife), environmental justice, and improving the quality of people’s lives.

In addition to being a food blogger and aspiring designer, I am a full-time Harry Potter fanatic! Other hobbies include: laughing, thrifting, and hand-lettering.

Say hi and tell me about yourself in the comments!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Julissa says:

    Great meeting you today! I am definitely going to give the Pho recipe a go. It’s a dish I’ve been wanting to make for a while. Please consider posting some yummy spring roll recipe and please include the dipping sauce (gluten free please). See you again soon 🙂

    • missannmai says:

      Hi!! So nice to hear from you ^.^ Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! 🙂 It was so lovely to meet you and chat with you! I’ve been feeling a little under the weather but I’ll definitely try my best to work on a spring roll recipe and post it soon! It’s one of my favorite things to eat, and there are so many ways to enjoy spring rolls. I’ll definitely let you know when I post it! Thanks again for stopping by and keeping in touch. 🙂

Let me know what you think!