Green Pear Flatbread Pizza

Happy National Pi Day! Let’s celebrate with pie. Pizza’s a pie, right?
Green Pear Flatbread Pizza |
Fragrant pear slices + savory cilantro pesto + a toasty herb crust. I’ve been dreaming of this green pizza. When the idea for this recipe formed, I was feeling in between two things: inspired by the color green and craving a friend’s beloved apple pizza. Pesto-based pizzas may be above classic pizzas in my book of flavor cravings.

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Green Tofu Scramble

Growing up as a lacto-vegetarian, I remember feeling left out of a lot of food events in elementary school. On the day after we read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, I walked into the classroom and was met with the nauseating smell of eggs and ham.

On principle (and to avoid gagging), I didn’t try any, but I was pretty intrigued by the idea of green food. As repulsive as the smell was to me, green food sounded fun, so my child self felt left out. Even back then I knew it was ridiculous to feel like I was missing out, since it was basically chicken periods with green food coloring. Gross. Plus, I still didn’t understand how people could eat animals in the first place. It was absolutely weird to me (still is). We’ll have to re-visit this topic later–I have a cool discovery to share! Continue reading